Dr Andrew Nguyễn


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“A budding affinity for the natural sciences, a youth influenced by both the eastern and western medicinal philosophies and a desire to achieve personal health eventually led me to Osteopathy.”

I am very grateful that Osteopathy has afforded me the chance to work and study in a diverse range of clinics globally, shaping my practise and professional passions.  My previous work in Canada and Tasmania, areas with limited primary health care, allowed me the opportunity to treat and collaborate with a diverse range of patients.  The experience to work with an array of ages, cultures, backgrounds and professions along with an expansive list of acute and chronically complex health conditions was both inspiring and rewarding.  I look forward to continuing this at Eureka Osteo.  

Voluntary work in a Vietnamese orphanage ignited my passion for paediatric, pregnancy and perinatal care, prompting further postgraduate studies in these areas.  My other working interests include all things cranium related such as headaches/migraines, TMJ and sinus complaints.   I love working with aspiring dancers and amateur sporting athletes and the joint injuries they commonly present with including wrists, shoulders, knees, ankles and feet.  I have done further courses in Biodynamic Osteopathy, breath work and mental health first aid.

Outside of being an osteopath I am a keen hiker, an obsessed fossicker, an amateur woodworker and absolutely love going on mini family adventures.

To book an appointment with Andrew click the button below